Social Events 2002/03

the nite we all went barmy!! 

Hi ya all, sorry this is a bit delayed but eh better late than never! Me and the email had an bit of shit at home and the one I orginally wrote didnt seem to send!!Whoops a daisy!
Soo really its just a download of the nite out we had before reading week, and im sure lots of reading was done that week!!
Well  here goes, see how much I member or dont member from that night!The nite began when we met in its a scream, we all reunited and blethered having a few too many......always loving to indulge!! And having a wee shot along the way!

A few little conditions where enforced to add a bit more craic, and it didnt thak alot of  persuading! I was like a little hawk spying all those who didnt adhere to the game and made them down drinks left right and centre as punishment! It was class!

Next it was time to begin the drinkn games....well, well, they went down such a treat! Just like the drinky poo...Everyone seemed to be having a good FUCK!!  Dont worry u shall experience the fucking game soon, real soon!!!!!!

Then Ferguson landed and well didnt she came down with a bang?!?!Hell yeah! Her and Mc Carney! She also got the BREASTS out for da boys!

We left its a scream and headed for the good oul union, just for one we said but listen on for more.....using our charm with the lovely bouncers we got the visitors in.....Or perhaps Ferguson got them out for the bhoys too?!?!Our guests also showed how excited they where when Dolan fell asleep in Scholars on one of the barrels but needles to say we didnt let her sleep for long! She didnt come down from manchester just to sleep! Hell no!!I would say we took the place over dancing and singing the nite away...And Mc Ginn was on the pull in no time at all!Good girl u!So as time was tickn away we hit the Cooler! And from here mostly a blank for me except whenI fell on the stage and slightly sprained the ankle! 

But all in all if u want a nite literally not to remember come out with us and we shall so u how to do it in style! Not doggy style, I know thats what ur thinkn Digby! and U too Angela! Hornballs the pairs of them!

The next nite out is gonna be on Sat  2nd Nov when we return from Birmingham, hopefully in high ho's!! Bring some bevies to drink on the way home to get tiddley and get the vocals ready for some glorious singing on the way home!!

"If I where a pretty fair maid........." memeber that one!! Y e Ha!

AND be warned the dick of the day shall be revealed after the games!!!

If u didnt make it for the pre reading wk sesh be sure to come to this one! If u arent able to come to Birmingham on sat day b sure to join us that evening, have fone numbers to contact to montior our jounrey!!

Rightio Signing off and out........

Mc Cullagh


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